Wednesday, September 16, 2009

私の まいにちの せいかつ

私は はちじはんに じゅぎょうがありますから まいあさ しちじはんに おきます。そして シャワーを あびます。じかんが ありませんから あさごはんを たべません。まいばん 私は LaFortuneへ いきます。LaFortuneの basementで べんきょうします。さんじごろ りょうへ かえります、そして よじに ねます。

So... This has been my schedule for the past two week, thanks to all the exams and papers. Hopefully, after this traumatising period is over, I will be able to get more sleep:)


  1. I got the free tickets from Chris as well. you should としゅかんで べんきゅします with me!

  2. That's a pretty busy schedule. You're the first person I've heard who prefers studying in Lafortune basement. スバロをたべますか。

  3. ぼくも Lafortuneで べんきょします!I've been there pretty much everynight for the past two weeks. I bet I've seen you there and just didn't know it.

  4. Lafortuneの べんきょうすりのが すきです。I prefer to work on group projects there though, like こうがく。

  5. In (delayed) response, いいえ、あまり スバロに いきません。One of those things where there's not much other option for ピザ。ありがとう for commenting.

  6. nope, you don't wake up that early. you just go to bed at those times....yitong
