Thursday, August 27, 2009


はじめまして。ウィナトです。インドネシアからきますた。どおぞ よろしく。

My adviser warned me that this Japanese course will be challenging. What she didn't warn me though, was that getting into the class is a challenge by itself. After a few visits to my adviser and a few phone calls from her part, I was told to take a placement exam. YAY! A placement exam without any notice and limited Japanese. I stared at the paper and the paper smirked at me. Shiga せんせいmust have seen the pain in my face that she felt the urge to inform me most people fail the test.

Anyway, somehow, I managed to secure a place in the class! Let's work hard together guys and master this beautiful language!!



  1. I know exactly how you feel on the placement test. When I took mine it had been a year and a half since I used any Japanese and I walked in there knowing I wasn't going to test out of anything but I still wanted to do my best. However, as soon as I started taking the test I realized I couldn't read any of it, except for one line that I managed to recall enough of after almost 30 minutes of cluelessness. Long story short I answered one only one question and got it right then proceeded to laugh and smile about it for the rest of the day.

  2. No worries about the placement test! I pretty much bombed it, too! hahaha. It's okay though, because Japanese I looks like it's going to be awesome. (:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had to take a placement test for French, because originally I was going to be in that class instead of Japanese and attempt that as a minor, BUT I placed into one of the higher French classes, when I really wanted to just start over at the beginner level. It's good that with the limited Japanese that you do know you are starting from the bottom again, to secure a foundation. That's what I wanted for French, but instead got for Japanese, which is fine, it's always exciting to learn a new language and I'm excited to get the basics down to enable me to understand the advanced and master the langauge. :)
